OHSE POLICY Quality, healthy Safety, Enviroment
Service Quality and HSE represent a top priority for us not only because they are vital to the success of our business, but because lives depend on their successful management.
Central to this is to provide a safe, healthy and environmentally sustainable workplace for our employees, contractors and customers. Additionally, a commitment to operational excellence and first-time quality is key to ensure we develop the best relationships with our customers, contractors and the community. We do this by setting clear roles and responsibilities and implementing a practical and efficient management system. This empowers all our employees with the authority and responsibility to play their part in maintaining our commitment to continual improvement.
We must integrate OHSE into everything we do and strive to set the benchmark for service quality and HSE performance for others to follow Our QHSE Policy is our Licence to Operate’ and we all have a responsibility to protect that.
Our rules draw emphasis to the key risk areas in a clear and understandable context to ensure consistent and effective implementation across our business. The risk areas have been selected based on the results of audits, past incidents, current industry focus and risk assessment.
LEVEL 1 – QHSE Policy
LEVEL, 2 – General management controls that apply universally across all work
LEVEL 3 – Rules for specific work activities identified as key risk areas where additional focus/control is required.
All incidents can be prevented. We continuously strive for zero harm to personnel, damage to equipment or the environment. We focus on employee health and on continuously improving the work environment. We conduct our operations through efficient use of materials and energy, with minimum waste and impact on the environment,
We design products and services to have no undue environmental impact, to be safe and to be efficient in consuming energy and natural resources.
We seek to ensure that our products can be recycled or disposed of safely.
We will only have satisfied customers when we understand their needs, requirements and preferences, and when our performance in every area is aligned to meet or exceed these expectations.
Every employee is responsible for the quality of their own work. Our goal is to maintain a high-reliability rate for our products and services and committing to a consistently high level of service.
– Apply a systematic and measurable approach to continually improve our
QHSE culture and performance.
– Develop and implement a robust emergency response and preparedness plan where all relevant personnel have clear roles and responsibilities and with the requisite level of training.
– Require every employee to take personal responsibility for QHSE by focusing on the behaviours of themselves and their colleagues.
– Empower every employee with ‘stop work authority’.
– Provide the necessary training and development for all our employees to ensure the highest level of competency.
– Set and seek to achieve SMART objectives.
– Through ongoing and periodic review, best practices will be identified and implemented throughout the Company, with a continuing challenge to identify opportunities for innovation and improvement.
-Bring with us our high QHSE standards wherever we do business. Complying with applicable laws and regulations is only the minimum.
• Ensure open and effective communication on OHSE issues and performance between all levels of the workforce, and share and learn from QHSE best practiees, internally and externally.
– Include QHSE performance in the selection, appraisal, and reward of our staff.
– Set the benchmark for service quality amongst our peers.
-Embed QHSE in line management and implement th’s policy throughout all levels of the organisation.