Repairing of saad ont. overpass bridge
Saad Ont. overpass is main transportation link located in very lively area links Al-zubair area and Basra Technical unversity to the city center. The scope of work is repair all damage in concrete and steel in the gareder in bridge.Treatment works by injection and, epoxy and carbon fiber arm of the tributaries of the bridge. works includes Surface Preparation, Priming, replaced the damage steel and coating it by corrosion inhibiter Application grout, injection cracks (high resin epoxy), covering the grader by carbon fiber (high strength material), testing to be done, documents to be checked. Thw work was under supervision of Babylon unversity College of engineering bureau.
Earth Work & Access Road WQ2
The scope of work included, cleaning work,Settlement of the groud by using graders, compaction and watering work, supply and install of backfill materials Subbase, gravel and sube grade.